Complete plumbing services from drain clearing and toilet repairs to water heaters and repiping.
Our master plumbers are always ready to help plan and execute the plumbing needs for your project.
Businesses need priority service, and that's exactly what our commercial plumbing service delivers.
Founder Curtis Likar (shown in photo) is a family man and runs Curtis Plumbing with a family oriented approach. When our plumber comes to your home or business, you'll be treated the same way we'd treat a member of our own family. You can expect 100% honesty and the highest quality plumbing services - all at the best rate possible.
Read More About UsTrusting your plumber is critical for your peace of mind. Honesty is a big part of Curtis Plumbing and we recommend you check out our online reviews to see what our past customers think about us.
We guarantee our work because our plumbers receive the best training and have years of experience. When you hire Curtis Plumbing, your job gets done right, the first time.
Every plumber in our company is certified and receives additional training from our master plumber. We are also fully licensed and insured for all services we provide.
We typically respond to form submissions within one business day. If you are in need of immediate service, please call us directly at (813) 672-4111.