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Faucet Damage - When is it Time for a Full Replacement?

Faucet Damage - When is it Time for a Full Replacement?

Over time, all plumbing fixtures eventually become worn or faulty. Even that bright, shiny kitchen or bathroom faucet that you love so much will one day begin leaking or making loud squeaky sounds. But when it breaks, how do you know whether to repair or replace.

Determining whether to repair or replace your faucet requires basic knowledge of how a faucet works. This can aid in knowing whether to repair or replace your damaged faucet. For example, if your faucet is dripping, squeaking, or exhibiting irregular water flow, repair may be in order. However, if you're noticing an unending string of problems, high water bills, or if there's physical damage, a replacement could be your best option.

When it may be appropriate to repair your faucet.

Sink with drip from a leak in Gibsonton, FL.

While sometimes salvaging your faucet is simply not an option, there are other instances where repairing it is the best way to go. Here are a few cases where a repair should get the job done:

  • Your faucet is dripping....
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