Great plumbing information, news and advice from Curtis Plumbing.
Great plumbing information, news and advice from Curtis Plumbing.
Well pumps are very important for your home, as they supply your house with fresh, clean water on demand. When your well pump starts to go bad, it can cause some major issues for you and your home’s inhabitants.
From fluctuations in water pressure to an abnormally high electric bill, here are some signs your well pump is going bad in Riverview, Brandon, Valrico, and the surrounding areas.
One of the most common indicators of a failing well pump is fluctuation in water pressure. Water pressure issues can result from a number of factors, including scaling inside your pipes from hard water, bacterial buildup, low water levels at the well, or a pressure tank issue. Often bacteria can clog the pipes leading to the pressure switch, which causes fluctuations in water pressure and eventually leads to low or non-existent water flow. A faulty motor can also cause pressure fluctuations. To restore balanced water pressure, your ...
A clogged sewer line is no joke and can pose a series of problems for a homeowner. A serious sewer line clog can become a potential health concern, so knowing what to look for and acting fast by calling a plumber like Curtis Plumbing can save not only your money but your health as well!
Every home has a single main sewer drain that connects the house to the city sewer system. This main drain is about 3-4" in diameter and is connected to every plumbing fixture in your home.
The main sewer drain is the most important part of your plumbing system and if a clog happens, it can definitely be considered an emergency. This is because, when your main drain becomes clogged, sewage can back up into your home!
Homeowners should be on the lookout for several symptoms as signs of a sewer line blockage. Here are three major telltale signs that you need to call a plumber immediately.
It goes without saying, a single toilet malfunction is a dreaded situation. What could be worse? How about consistent toilet malfunctions! Keep an eye out for several indications that your toilet is better off being replaced than repaired. Here are some telltale signs that replacement is in your future!
The first indication that cracks may be present in your toilet is the pooling of water at the base of the toilet. If you notice any leaks, check the toilet for cracks. While you may not see any visible cracks, there may be some in the bowl or tank.
Cracks in your toilet can cause serious damage to your flooring and be a waste of water! Wet floors can also cause additional problems with water damage, mold, and mildew. If you notice any of these issues, and they are due to cracks, replacing your commode may be the best course of action!
Of course, a properly working...
When pipes are noisy and make a lot of unusual sounds, homeowners tend to get worried about the source of the sound. When it comes to pipes, you can hear anything from a bang and a rattle to a whistle or a squeal.
The source of the problem can be hard to determine, but the source of the sound will usually happen at one of these points:
Depending on when/which noise you are hearing can narrow down the scope of the issue. Determining when the sound occurs is the initial step, then breaking down the possible causes is next. Most pipe noises can be easily rectified, but using a professional plumbing company like Curtis Plumbing may be necessary.
When hot water is running in your home and you hear a noise that is either,