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Can Your Shower Be Repaired or Does it Need to Be Replaced?

Can Your Shower Be Repaired or Does it Need to Be Replaced?

When your shower isn't working properly, it can disrupt your entire household here in Florida. However, it can be difficult to know whether you can simply repair your shower, or if you need to bite the bullet and replace part of it. If you notice leaks, slow drainage, or cracks in your tiles or grout, your shower probably only needs a small repair. If your shower water is discolored, the water won't stay hot, or there is fluctuating water pressure, you may need to think about replacing part of your shower. Whether you need to repair or replace your shower, you should contact a professional to do it for you.

When do you need to repair your shower?

Slow drainage in shower in Fish Hawk, FL.

There are many situations where your shower will only require a simple repair. These situations include:

  • Minor leaks: Besides being an annoyance, leaks can also cost you money due to the wasted water. Leaks often occur because a part in your shower is loose; therefore, if you notice any minor leaks in your...
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4 Signs There's a Leaky Pipe in Your Wall

4 Signs There's a Leaky Pipe in Your Wall

Although we love the water here in Florida, a water leak is never fun – and they can be much more difficult to identify than we might typically think, subtly causing damage in our home or business while we're unaware. However, there are some telltale signs of leaking that you can keep an eye on to avoid missing a leak and having it grow into a bigger problem. If your water bill is higher than normal or you have reduced water pressure, that water is being accounted for somewhere, and it could be a leaky pipe in the wall! Peeling or blistering on paint or wallpaper, as well as mold forming on the walls, are other signs that some type of leak could be lurking in the shadows. If you stay vigilant for these signs, you'll identify potential problems sooner, and sooner is better when it comes to a leak!

1. Your Water Bill Is Higher Than Normal

Dripping sink faucet in Fish Hawk, FL.

A higher-than-normal water bill can show that something abnormal is going on with your water usage, and that's...

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